This morning I ran the
Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
I had signed up a little while ago but failed to properly train so I was pretty crabby leading up to the race day this week, what with being unprepared.
But I was able to finish with an OK time {not a PR by any means but pretty good for where I'm at fitness-wise} and hopefully won't be injured or too sore this week.
A race recap:
- I felt pretty good and strong, despite a gently rolling course, up until mile 11 when we hit "Hearthbreak Hill". It was only maybe a mile or so up hill and included several little plateaus and since I wasn't pushing myself by any means, I was fine, just a bit pooped when the hill was over but by then it was mile 12 and almost all down hill until the end.
The weather was a bit muggy and it rained/drizzled almost the whole time but it was in the high 60s and that was perfect for me.
- I overheard these two running ladies in the first mile:
Friend A: I'm only doing this for the beer.
Friend B: Oh my gosh I love beer.
The best part is that they were probably in their fifties and just keeping it real.
- There was a mini-horse wearing a Marine-Corps "jacket thing". I saw it four times along the course and it made me happy each time.
- There were various music groups/performers along the course. What I love about races like this one, though, is that they're kind of smaller acts: three older women singing a capella, three guys playing the rolling stones, a bagpipe playing group (including a wee lad banging on a drum for the beat), a group of men doing bluegrass, and a sole punk guitarist who was set up at the top of Heartbreak Hill.
- The run wound its way through Fredericksburg including a newer suburban area as well as the historical/downtown districts. I'd say that a good part of the run was past homes and through neighborhoods so many people were out in front of their homes cheering on the runners and the best part of this was the meek little kids furtively holding out a hand for high-fives.
- Marines were stationed all along the course and I thanked as many as I could. The best reply was "It's a privilege".
- Fredericksburg seems to be overgrown with honeysuckle and almost the whole run was beautifully perfumed.
- There was a group of colonial dancers at one point on the course.
- There were some beautiful older homes along the route and we got to go past the gorgeous campus of the University of Mary Washington.
- I got to take a picture with a Union soldier at the finish line.
- The people watching was spectacular, as it usually is at any running event.
- I got to run with some great friends.
It was a lovely way to spend a Sunday morning and hopefully I can use it as a jump-start for some quality miles.
xoxo, natty ♥