- Had a well-baby check today and is doing quite well on all accounts...no longer anemic {she was borderline at nine months anyway}, above average in height {?!} and weight, and a great baby...woo hoo! She'll start drinking cow's milk this week and can also have her first taste of peanut butter and eggs...such little luxuries we post-first-birthday folks take for granted!
- Is very talkative with her words as well as gibbereish..."zeeee zeeee zeeee zeeee zeeee" for any dog {it's the name of my grandmother's dog whom she met last December and she just recently dug it out and uses it for all dogs", "ayne" for "train" whenever she sees or hears it, "dada", "mom", "hi", "bah" {for "bye"}, and a few others I'm sure. She also has a couple of non-verbal sound cues, there's one for "look at this" and another for "I'd like to nurse". And in terms of communication, the child points.
- Cut another tooth and seems to have a few threatening to do so up top.
- Will do five to six steps unassisted and still seems to prefer crawling when she wants to get somewhere quickly.
- Loves perching in her chair and peeking out the window at the trains.
- Gets a kick out of Guinness the dog and her father...I love seeing her so happy to see them.
- Had a handful of new foods this past week though I can't recall what exactly.
- Has one more weekly update and a first birthday coming up next week!
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago