Today, we did our long run (16- eek!) in San Francisco along the Embarcadero, which we did for our ten-miler training and have done for this training as well. It really is quite nice to have a change of pace as well as a nice out and back place to run. We use M's GPS watch (ch-ch-ch-check it out...) and we can keep track of our mileage and our pace, which is super cool. I'm actually thinking of indulging in my own. I'll be in Tahoe next week (=) =) =) =)) and M won't be there during the week so I'll have to deal with figuring out my mileage without his magic watch. There's a website that is super cool that I can use to determine mileage, but the trail along the lake isn't super easy for me to figure out on that site, or maybe I just want my own watch! Ha!
We ate at Nick's Crispy Tacos (again) in Russian Hill and met up with a good friend from college who happens to be visiting someone else in the city. It was a lovely morning afternoon made even better by running along side contestants in the Alcatraz Challenge, an event which, despite my long-distance running tendencies, I have absolutely no inkling of a desire to participate in considering my aversion to swimming for anything beyond mere paddling around as well as the EXTREMELY cold bay waters. M, however, was quite inspired not just by the runners who we were cheering on (which always makes me get teary-eyed!) but by the idea of the whole event and would eventually like to do this.
Anyway, we got home and I passed out for several hours. I put some chicken in marinade for a grill-fest (more on that later this week!) and we snacked a bit and are watching TV while conjuring up the energy to go out and grill.
Bon nuit to you all and I hope that you had great weekends!!
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