Who knew that these things are so much fun?! A bit embarrassing, too, when gifts of lingerie are involved ;). I had a wonderful shower hosted by a family friend and her daughters, friends of mine. A warning here, this post will be mostly gratuitous pictures!
I don't normally do cute things like take pictures of scenery and guests so I had my friend Kathy take some for me! These are mostly mine, from my camera, and I poached some from her too {sorry but many thanks Kathy!}.
The party was held in a lovely home with wonderful four-legged creatures everywhere; I was thrilled!
Kathy almost took this feline home. |
We enjoyed yum-o snacks and very tasty iced tea.
Give me more of that tea! |
We also played games!
We started out with a wedding quiz type thing that I, sadly, failed. Everyone focused very hard on the questions, though, and some fun facts were learned; Liz Taylor has been married many times!
The best game, though, was "Don't Get Stuck With the Ginger Husband". It's like Hot Potato. The group sits in a circle and passes around a "Ginger Husband" whilest music plays in the back ground. In this case, Lady Gaga's "The Fame Monster".
This guy was our "Ginger" of the day; a very obliging dude.
I love the action shots because they remind me of how much everyone was laughing while the thing was passed around the circle.
I've pointed out where Old Rusty was in the shots for your, dear reader, as a courtesy.
That little doll moved hands awfully quickly; no one wanted to get out {for fear the creature would haunt us at night a la Chuckie...?}!
The match came down to my aunt Peppy and my cousin Gretchen; Peppy won!
I enjoyed taking pictures with everyone who helped me to celebrate; this was a day I don't want to forget and since this is my virtual scrapbook, here it is =).
My mama and me ♥. |
My mama-in-law-to-be and me ♥. |
Cousin Gretchen...runner up for Chuckie! |
Aunt Roufia. |
Auntie Jeanne! |
I am so grateful for lovely friends and family. I also dearly missed those who couldn't make it to the fiesta; I was certainly thinking of you!
Tori and Brookie ☺. |
MB and me! |
Ms. Kathy! |
Me and my step-mama! |
Friend Jenny {who has great taste in make-up!} =) |
I won't lie, opening gifts is always fun; we were certainly showered in love this day and are super thankful. If you know me, though, I can be kind of shy and wouldn't normally put up pictures of gifties but I want so badly to remember this day and all of the joy and fun leading up to our special day. Please don't mind the horsey faces that I'm apparently really good at making.
Not my most flattering moment but my grammy gave me a lovely and warm blanket with my new initials on it...and I covet blankies - she knows me well ♥. |
He makes an appearance again. |
We greatly enjoyed one of the hounds, Sausage, during the unwrapping.
Sausage didn't seem to mind the attention either. |
I adore my first bouquet...and many ribbons were cut to make that thing ;) {thanks Brookie & Brit!} |
More Sausage! |
I loved everything I got; I kind of wished we had done one of those "couples" showers so that Mike could get in on all of this fun stuff, but he had his own situation {to be blogged about tomorrow or Thursday} that kept him busy.
At the end of it all, I got to cut my cake {delish red velvet}.
We're not really having cake at the actual wedding so this was exciting for me, although I didn't have a cute face to smash it into!
What a great day; I love being loved!
Thank you so much to everyone there physically and in spirit; I love you all ♥!
xoxo, natty ♥