Aye, how tired I am! Yesterday afternoon we surfed. I wasn't going to do it, but the kids talked me into it. I'm so glad I went! It was much easier than I thought. I had surfed once about 10 years ago in San Diego but don't remember much so yesterday was kind of a first. We had to stretch before we started which was fine but we also had to wear their rashgaurds which were oft used and pretty smelly...no one had thought to bring one.
This was the outdoor gym when we arrived at the surf school...
We were in groups of three or so and our instructors were very nice.
They made us practice paddling in the sand.
Over and over again.
I kept getting sand into that rashgaurd.
Our teacher was named "gato" which means "cat" in English.
Show us your eyes! |
He told us it's because of his eyes.
The water here is oh-so-lovely and bath-tub-temperature {unlike the showers, which are cool} and the waves are gentle so I was up and surfing in no time.
Booty shot...remember, this is for the sake of remembering. |
I had a few little spills but the hardest part, for me, was controlling/directing my board through the waves {for this, I woke up sore this morning}.
By the end, I looked like a pro semi-pro learner.
I rewarded myself with a coconut!
Our lunch yesterday was quite nice too. I try not to take pictures of meals; I have a weird thing about knowing that food can't always look the way it's supposed to...anyway, I've been doing it here.
This is casado which is typical in Costa Rica {I think I may have mentioned this, but I'm too lazy to read the last posts...sorry folks}; beans, plátanos fritos {fried plantains}, rice and a protein {I had the fish yesterday and it was ¡rico!}.
Our restaurant was on the water and here was our view
as well as some
pretty pots/vases/urns they had sitting around...lovely!
We had a bonfire with the chicas last night and made s'mores on the beach...I guess I can't complain ;)
Today, we went kayaking. That's also what's contributing to my exhaustion. I'm sitting in the school office right now while everyone else is in class and I'm glad that I'm not taking a class, I wouldn't be able to stay awake!
I'll give y'all the kayaking post & pictures tomorrow to cut down on another mega post.
¡Pura vida!
xoxo, natty ♥
We get married in one month!
Nat this looks so fun! Glad you're having a great time- pura vida!!
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