It's been a good weekend for us after yesterday's arboretum jaunt and some hours spent lazing around.
And then, today, Mike and I got in a seven mile run together.
In the mid-afternoon heat and humidity {we had planned to go this morning but it was pouring} we toiled but then rewarded ourselves at the end with strawberry/lemonade spritzers {just add club soda and it becomes a spritzer}.

Nothing had ever tasted so good.
In other news, yesterday morning we put our dear heart Fence into her car and bid her adieu. She spent a wonderful and rejuvenating two days with us and I'm so thrilled she did; thanks for making it down here!!!
Here comes another week, this one replete with a projected heat wave, hopefully a trip to our CSA's farm, some running, and preparation for the following week's trip to Iceland.
I hope that you've had an enjoyable and summery {and Super Moon-ful} weekend and that you're feeling ready to tackle the next five days.
xoxo, natty ♥
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