Weekends go by so quickly.
But thankfully, so do Mondays.
In other mundane yet glorious news going on today.
1. We got our car back. I got rear-ended last month and since we were busy beavers for several weeks we didn't get the whole ball rolling on the repair process going until last Monday.
I'm glad to have old trusty back but it sure was nice driving an automatic in this city traffic and having a car that is a quiet drive; sometimes I swear the street sounds are in our car with us.
But, it's our car and we love it. All 125,000+ miles of it.
2. I finally plugged in my phone to my computer which meant I could also update the operating system.

I kind of love it!
3. I'm enjoying this cool weather. Summer wasn't the best here this year and fall is a good and welcomed change.
4. Possible apple picking/general autumnal outdoorsiness is on the horizon.
5. I'm glad to be here, truly I am, but since the weeks are flying by it means I get to soon go back to California and Arizona (soon = December). It's an entirely different season but a vacation I'm thoroughly looking forward to.
How YOU doing (cyber) neighbor? I hope that Monday treated/is treating you fair.
xoxo, natty ❤
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