I was running errands in Virginia today and started to feel a scratchy throat. Despite the 90 degrees weather I just wanted Pho.
There are tons of great restaurants in DC {so I hear, we're pretty frugal/too lazy to go out} but there aren't as many hole-in-the-wall ethnic restaurants as we had in San Jose. Or it could be we just don't know about them?
Anyway, there's one pho place that we know of but it's a hike from where we live but luckily I was smack dab in the middle of a Vietnamese shopping center; it looked and felt like home.

And tasted it too.
San Jose has a huge Vietnamese population and the food is something I've grown up around, as well as the people, obviously, so I was really happy to poke around this huge shopping center and enjoy a steaming bowl of pho {in the air conditioning}.
I hope that your Saturday was nice too! Tomorrow? Off to apple picking in more hot and humid weather {what is up with that October?}.
xoxo, natty ♥
We need to find a new pho place!! San Jose really had the best :(
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