taking a bottle...woo hoo! smiling and cooing and making other glorious sounds! using cloth diapers which explains her very bulky {but cute} midsection in the above picture. leg kicking and arm flailing is a favorite activity. enjoys her bath times...they're in the sink and she gets so shivery when we take her out; those quivery lips are wonderfully adorable but a bit pathetic too. sleeps well on people still. is getting better at being "worn" in both her wrap and a more structured baby carrier. got a used swing and has enjoyed {slept in} it a bit for quick naps but doesn't seem to be into much more with it. is gassy! Poor thing, you can feel and hear her tummy rumbling! is growing a bit more hair although she does have a couple of bald spots on the front sides of her head. is our wonderful beautiful baby.
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