If you're curious about today's post title blame it on my Minnesotan college years and click HERE. It refers to my feelings regarding getting our act together to move across the country. I have so {SO} many emotions swirling around regarding this big life change; sadness and nostalgia leaving where I've lived for 24/28 years of my life, where I've been a student/teacher for a combined total of 10 years, and where my whole family lives...great excitement for this new phase of OUR life...apprehension regarding the sheer amount of miles and hours we'll be in the car...DESIRE to just be able to snap my fingers and have everything safely and instantaneously appear in our new digs...fear at not having a job yet...I could go on. BUT...some good things!
This was our "dry run" of stuff that we will actually pack up with us for The Drive and I don't want to forget the specific configuration in two weeks when we formally bid adieu. |
1} This time on Saturday I'll be at Torrey Pines in San Diego enjoying a weekend away with my hubby and my cousins; I'm so excited! At that point we'll be moved out of this apartment and in the limbo that is the three weeks we have between living situations. This trip is a high school graduation gift to my cousin; I took his older brother to Disneyland three years ago and, again, I am really looking forward to a weekend down south and spending time with these three dudes.
2} We're at a better place in this move than we were in our last move out of an apartment two years ago; that is a GOOD thing. More stuff is already packed away than in 2010 and we have a storage unit already partially filled. We have a "moving plan" {shipping stuff} and the cardboard boxes are rapidly filling. This is what a Big Move is like, folks, and we are in the thick of it. And I'm still living and breathing and enjoying some Pinot Grigio so life ain't all that bad.
3} We have an apartment in DC! This is great news! It's on a little street called "Q" {NW} and it's beautiful and I love it. Come visit us! But not until after July 25.
4} Law & Order SVU is on TV right now, a 2004 episode to be exact; this is living.
5} I almost got rid of all of the brown bananas in our fridge. Six loaves of banana bread later I'm feeling prih-tee smug about my frugal ways.
***A bonus #6 for YOU!***
6} My husband, ever the skeptic of my ways, actually asked ME to make a list of things that need to be done for this move. HE requested of ME to make a list! Wonder of wonders! It made my heart sing and I obliged oh so happily.
Lists = my love language. |
Now, to actually do what's on those lists.
How are you doing in your neck of the woods this week? Has it cooled down considerably where you're at? I know that people pay TONS {trust me, I KNOW} to live in this Bay Area that has a natural air conditioning and hovers around 75 to 85 degrees all summer but I love me some heat. I suppose I should have been careful for what I wish for, though, since DC in July is not known for it's temperateness. I'll soon have up a post about our route and all that jazz but until then, be good my pretties!
xoxo, natty ♥
B TEE DUBS {Mike HATES it when I put those words together! Ha!}...I am trying to unload a heck-load of vintage Pyrex {some really cute stuff y'all} that I've lovingly collected over the years but lack any use for. It's on ye olde Craigslist but if you're local and interested {or not local, heck, I'll ship it for ya} puh-leaze let me know and I'll cut you a deal.
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