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I am just about finished with the 2011-2012 school year. Maybe I'll do a bit of a recap later this week but for now, I'm going to stick with no more or less than five happy thoughts swirling around in my head. Editor's note : she added on more than five.
Ready for summer! |
1} It's JUNE! We all know how I feel about this month {click HERE for a reminder}.
A room with a view. |
2} Even though it's June it rained today. I actually liked it, though, because I had my windows open {while I graded} and it smelled lovely. The lighting was very glowy as well.
3} I've blogged every day for a little over a year now; woot to me!
4} My husband has to take some online math classes through his graduate program and I think it's kind of funny that he has homework. He has to watch videos of the dean of his program who's the teacher of these math classes and I noticed tonight just how soothing this guy's voice is and that I actually really like listening to someone talk about rational numbers and polynomials. Maybe it's because he sounds like a grandpa. A grandpa who loves math and explains it really nicely.
5} I don't have to take math classes - online or otherwise. No offense to my math coworkers.
Bonus #6} Mad Men last night was excellent; are you a fan?I also really liked Girls from last night, though I get that not every one's a fan and I understand that.
Bonus #7} we visited the Greek Festival on Friday night. My Colombian mother had some Colombian friends in town and we all went.
They enjoyed the food and the dancing as we did as well.
Bonus #8/Confession #1} my diet today, after breakfast, consisted of cheddar flavored almond crackers, steamed broccoli from dinner last night and left over smoked brisket from my cousin's party on Saturday. With four Oreos to wash it all down.
What's great about your week? Are you enjoying warmer weather where you're at? It should get sunny later this week after today's showers and I'm looking forward to the prospect of hanging out during the day.
xoxo, natty ♥
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