More and more frequent giggling; ADORABLE! HL "met" the California redwoods yesterday on a hike with our friend Eddie...she loved looking up at the greenery even though it was sweltering {mama kept wetting her down to try and keep her cool}. We've discovered our legs and feet and toes...and getting them into our mouth is a wonderful thing! Some attempts at grasping at things in a deliberate manner...such jerky movements still! We went to our first restaurant; we had Indian food at our favorite restaurant tonight. The proprietor, such a kind man, offered to hold the babe while I ate and this scruffy man did a great job with our little one! And said little one did quite splendidly...she was giggly and cooing in her car seat for a while, good in my arms/on my lap for a bit, and then our friend carried her around for the rest of the time. Hanna Lu visited my old school and workplace; what a joy to introduce her to my friends and be back at one of my favorite places. Swimming happened two more times. Hanna Lu met a lot of neighbors both at my grandmother's house and my father' much fun!
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
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