The most adorable "talking"; she has such a cute little breathy voice. LOVING on the ceiling fans and chandelier in her grandparent's Arizona house. Said "goodbye-for-now" to her California family; we miss them so much! Said "hello again" to her Arizona family; we're so glad to be here with them! Flew in an airplane again; she did marvelously! Rolled from her back to her...side! Has tried out and seems to like a Bumbo chair! We keep a close eye on her and will put it on a chair {a big no-no but, again, we're right next to her watching her} and pull her up to the table for meal times; she loves it. Continues to enjoy sucking on her hands and fingers and also loves getting her hands on her feet. Likes her toys; a flashy firefly thing and an adorable little dolly she got as a gift in California. We LOVE this little baby and just can't get enough of her. Even every two hours throughout the night.
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago
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