Seems longer in the past few days; several outfits were found to be a bit short on her which confirms this.
After a bit of fussing on her own, our dear child slept ten hours. The prior record was a random six once when she was much smaller. She did wake once to eat but I don't count it. Her naps today have been nowhere near as successful but we're ever hopeful {naive?}.Has a nice little bedtime routine: bath, story, bottle, {or "bottle, story"} {though she doesn't always finish eating - when she's tired she can be a fussy eater [?]}, bed. Rolled over from her back to her tummy all alone {just right now, actually} but she had been reclining on a pillow so I'm not sure if it is valid. Seems to have a bit more hair {goldeny-brown} alluvasudden; but not long enough for clips yet! Is still taking a pacifier {as of last week}. Loves watching us eat. Is drooling a ton...though I think it's just baby drooling and not teething drooling. Is very interested in Guinness {the dog...though she did visit her first brewery last week} and loves feeling his fur. Is very aware of the other little ones at any group setting. Is so very adorable.
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
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