Gifting us with up to 12 hours of sleep a night...practically uninterrupted. The worry wart in me doesn't like that she's not eating as much as she used to since she would be up/nursing every couple of hours. But. She's the one sleeping through and the pediatrician said that she's OK for this so we'll see for now. She won't nap on her own during the day, though. Oh well. Lots of hilarious screeching and squawking! Really into thumb/finger sucking. LOVES her feet. Since her cloth diapers are bulky they prevent her from being able to fully enjoy them so diaper changing is hilarious since she's constantly pulling those toes-ies into her mouth. Rolls promptly over to her side very easily but her lower arm keeps her from making it all the way over. Thoroughly enjoys being in her "umbrella" stroller {the kind that fold up easily} since she can see the world in front of her. Is really into Guinness the dog; she loves to watch what he does and grabs onto his fur. See picture below. Has started to enjoy her "Sophie the Giraffe" teething toy. Maybe has two little nubs of teeth coming in on the bottom? I can't get her tongue to not be in the way and I can't feel a difference but I thought I saw something last night. Really enjoys her bath time. Can sit up unassisted for about a second. Still doesn't love "tummy time".
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
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