Monday, May 9, 2011

(I know what you did) Last weekend...Part II

First off...Happy Mothers Day to the lovely and loved mothers in  my life ♥♥♥. Mike's parents are visiting this weekend and I've been such a naughty blogger, having taken zero pictures of the fun things that we did...and that stuff will have to wait anyway since I need to finish last weekend...

On Saturday afternoon I cajoled Mikey to go to the Eureka Woman's Group's craft fair which made my day. Hand made stuff causes my heart to sing especially if it's knit or sewn. This fair even included some man made carvings and these glorious "dining room centerpieces".  I love how it's labeled (though I failed to get the whole label in my picture) and that it's a VULTURE (this one's for you, Dad)...who wants a vulture with a beak made out of a crab claw for their dining room table? I admit, I just might because a) it's obviously made with love b) it uses found materials (sea detritus) and c) it's so unique.
Regrets that I didn't buy this...

That night we drove across a bridge into the town of Samoa to eat at the Samoa Cookhouse, the last running logger/cookhouse of it's kind in North America (I think that's correct, forgive me if it's not, it's just beyond me to do the correct research right now {I'm tired}). 

I didn't know that it's "ok" to name your chainsaw...I'll have to think of one for ours now.
Old logging tools...
I LOVE this sort of Americana especially if it's California related and includes cooking.I also love how in the pictures Mike and I took of each other in front of the sign, we are technically both in the shot since you can see the other's shadow (did even that make sense?).

We woke early to drive to the race the next morning. It was beautiful running weather, mid 50s and sunny and FULL of ancient, looming, beautiful and strong redwood trees. Not to sound too tree-huggy, but it was pretty inspiring to be running under them. So much so that I kicked out a pretty good time for me. If only I could maintain that for a full marathon and qualify for Boston ;). Mike ran a good race too, though his legs were bugging him a bit. We were ready to hit the road soon after finishing, picking up lunch on the way out, stopping a few times for breaks and buying early-season cherries on the side of the road, and we made it home before dinner.
I was stoked to see these; I love cherries and they mean summer!
We also had fun making Guinness make these sounds on the way home. He's recently been obsessed with invisible things on the ceiling and walls. We do nothing to help this early onset dog-insanity by encouraging and recording said behavior. Oh well, it's kind of...unique.

The week flew by and our weekend with M's parents and my family flew by even quicker. I still need to post about Easter and now about what we did this weekend, which happened to involve a lot of eating, but it's time for sleep and to begin counting down the three weeks left of school and until I can really focus on wedding planning (YAY!)!
Good night y'all and here's to a good week!
xoxo, natty ♥


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