Saturday, November 24, 2012

Let us make soup.

On Thanksgiving night, after the full-on eating died down a bit {but not completely}, I realized that something needed to be done with what was left of the poor bird.
My mother-in-law to the rescue! I asked her what to do and then sheepishly asked her to help me out do it for me.
She chopped up several onions and celery {& some carrots?}. Then she put everything {including the turkey remains} into a big pot, covered it with water, and let it simmer for the rest of the evening which turned out to be between two and four hours for us.
Then I refrigerated it and ignored it until today. Then:

  • I took out the, ahem, carcass, from the soup and removed all the extra shreds of turkey meat and got rid of the bones. I put the meat back into the soup.
  • I drained and added in a can of corn.
  • I cooked a pound of noodles {egg noodles would be best but I had some fusilli and penne laying around so in they went!} and added them in as well.
  • For good measure and because it seemed like the right thing to do, I squeezed in the juice of one lemon and some chopped-up parsley too.
  • I let the whole thing heat-up to a boil and then enjoyed THREE bowls. As if I hadn't had a chorizo-fried egg-avocado burger with fries at brunch this morning. As if.

Thank you SO much dear Mother-in-Law for this delightful up-cycling of Thursday's dinner left-overs!

Ugh...I'm out of data with my Google account? So I can't upload pictures. Hmpfh. I'll Deal with this somehow...but no pictures for now! ---> UPDATE: I figured it out; has anyone else out there with a blog had this issue? I really don't like how they store all the pictures I post in my Picasa account even though I have them all on my computer. Hmmm.

What are YOU doing with your left-overs? Do you do a traditional turkey dinner or go hog wild with a ham? Perhaps you break habit and go for Thanksgiving tacos?
xoxo, natty ♥


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