Friday, April 12, 2013

Thoughts on weather and such.

It's Friday!
And while the temperature is awesome, our humidity is 79% and our dew point is 63 degrees?
I sleuthed a bit and don't have much brain power to really map out the intricacies but I can say that the closer a dew point is to the air temperature, the grosser it is. And it's kind of gross right now, not super hot but very damp.

My next concern is these yellow blooms.
What are they?? Any garden savvy friends out there, please help.

A few days past peak bloom this is what DC looks like.
We're awash in pink and green. Lily Pullitzer would be proud.

There are also carpets of blossom petals everywhere including in the tidal basin.

And finally, this is a different kind of cherry blossom.
It's a vibrant PURPLE and blooms a bit later than the other guys.

Spring is so pretty!!!
xoxo, natty ♥  


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