Tomorrow marks the beginning, the advent, if you will {although that word is being used purely in a denotational manner and not to connote the actual Season of Advent}, of 2011-2012's official Christmas Time. The popular holiday song "The 12 Days of Christmas" refers to the time frame that begins on the 25th and ends on January 6th, also known commonly as Little Christmas, Twelfth Night or the Epiphany. It is on that day in January when the decorations can come down and some celebrate with gifts, eating a festive meal and cutting the traditional Kings Cake {although this cake makes an appearance on mardi gras as well...that you'll have to figure out on your own since I sure as heck have never straightened it out!}, amongst other things.
I'd like to think of a little something each and every day of the 12. I'll continue, maybe, with my regularly scheduled weekly shenanigans, but I think I'll begin each post with a bit of holiday cheer. I always feel so sorry for the time after December 25th and in my effort to be less Grinch-like and embrace the non-material/commercial of life {especially since it's so omnipresent from October to Now}; in other words, I'd like to prolong the warmth and presence of the season.
Anyway, for now, as a kick off, I'll give you/myself a photographic view of my past week working in chronological order. These are the things that have brought me to Christmas this year. Enjoy!
Cookie Baking!
I'm saving this for a "12 Days" post but a sneak peek is in order...this was the trappings of the most-delectable Hershey's Kisses Peanut Butter Blossoms...YUM!
Tired Driving.
Mr. Mike drove us the whole way to Phoenix from San Jose...woah! My man did a great job and let me take weirdo pictures of him and the scenery that was zipping past us at speeds no greater than the 65-75 mph limit. I shot things like these:
The side of the road on the grapevine.
The side of the road in the Arizona desert.
I lost this one; sorry.
The highway through the Arizona desert.
The Arizona welcome sign made blurry by our rush to get the heck outta Dodge California enter the state.
A Driving Dog.
A Walking Husband in Santa Monica.
Surreptitiously taking a picture of my jerk chicken lunch.
The Nutcracker Which is My All-Time-Favorite-Ballet/Music.
Gift Wrapping.
I tried to "go green" this year; I used BEAUTIFUL fabric gift bags we concocted at school to raise money for our immersion program and
...wait for it...
Yes, Guinness does indeed give gifts; he is a generous dog. |
I'm giving an exercise ball tomorrow {it's late and I doubt the recipient is reading but if so...I am SO sorry!} and I had a great time deciding to blow it up for maximum Christmas morning impact.
Then I tied a ribbon around it.
Salsa Making.
I made my The Pioneer Woman's salsa for our Christmas Eve celebration tonight. This is actually my first Christmas away from home. Ever. I'm dealing with it and really enjoying making new traditions and getting to know my new family even more though I certainly miss those folks back at home. Part of the newness for me is a Christmas Eve that is actually planned and not just frantic wrapping and a hurried dinner of whatever; Mike's uncle makes cheeseburgers! I loved it {we just got back} as I'm loving incorporating new customs into my/our life.
If you're still here reading, you're a champ. I hope that your weekend and most-wintery of months is actually quite warm and that there is thanks in your heart as there is in mine tonight.
xoxo, natty ♥
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