Sunday, January 6, 2013

The past few days.

Yesterday we went on an amazing family outing to the Arizona -Sonora Desert Museum which Rebecca reviewed last spring. I loved every minute of it and will get up a post explaining our day in the next week. Today we went on a walk and had a yummy breakfast; it's been a great weekend!

On Friday we went on a walk around the Tempe Town Lake. When we were meandering I noticed a pair of women with six bulldogs; six! They were snorting and jumping and pulling. I've been missing our little guy and trying to pet every dog I see walking around to get my canine fix so I totally zoned in on these guys.
I hadn't seen a bulldog up close, as far as I can remember, and these guys and gals were a delight.
Hollywood and I made a special {& slobbery} connection.

In 2011 I read an interesting article about this breed regarding its popularity/trendiness vs its over-breeding {trouble breathing and mating/giving birth on their own}. It was a really interesting article which can be read HERE.

I was glad to find out, then, that these six guys {& gals} were having a photo shoot so that they can be advertised for a bulldog rescue/adoption organization on its website {not a plug, I'm just wanting to keep track of them for myself}.

We enjoyed the rest of our walk. Last Thursday was my official "coming out" after a solid week of sick-bed couch time and it's been four days of walking and going around town. Hopefully I can get back up to running later this week when we return to DC; it's so weird feeling as though I could get back to where I was physically after feeling really week and coughing SO much {I still kind of am ;(} but I know I've done it before and I can do it again.

I hope that you had a lovely and enjoyable weekend and that your week ahead starts out nicely!
xoxo, natty ♥


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