Monday, November 28, 2011

The Last Long Run.

Today I finished my last long run...before my upcoming marathon. I'll expound upon this later in the next two weeks but the short and sassy of it is that I'm running my second 26.2 miler on December 11th {think really fast thoughts for me early that morning!}. This will be the Mr.'s first so I'm doubly excited. We had initially aspired to run in a race the weekend before but failed in registering for it in a timely manner and last weekend {yes, that late} we scrambled. Some might think nothing of writing off the training as a good experience but I/we couldn't do that. Mike and I have been putting in miles towards this race since August. Actually, to reflect my Bay Area roots, we've been putting in hella mileage and there needs to be a marathon to top it all off. Luckily we found one that was still open for registration the weekend after our initially planned race which is super fortuitous, actually, since a week ago right now I was coming off of a little break in my training due to having a coldish thing so the extra week was just what I needed. I fully admit that what we did/didn't do was extremely foolish and irresponsible but I'm also really excited about this new marathon. It's in Tuscon which means we'll have Mike's folks there cheering us on and we can eat Jimmy John's which doesn't happen here in San Jose.
Anyway, today was the last long run of this long training plan. There will be no more double digit jaunts in the remainder of my training; I'm officially in my taper {breathe a sigh of relief here} and actually have been since our last 20 mile run two weeks ago but these last two weeks are really the crunch time as far as taking it easy on the bod. Tapering, though, has some weirdness that goes along with it, like freaking out over not running as much as one normally does and worrying about muscle atrophy which is totally irrational considering EVERYTHING but then again so is running distances in the double digits and thus I digress.
Again, like I said earlier, I'll elaborate on this theme in the days to come but please know, dear reader, that it's a great feeling to have trained so much and so hard and that I hope you are able to experience something similar whether it be a physical endeavor or academic pursuit or even under-water-basket-weaving speed competitions.
Good start of the work week to you!
xoxo, natty ♥


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