Sunday, November 6, 2011


Crummy weather + wanting something warm that I/we didn't have to make = first pho of the season; yum! We had gone off the delicious stuff for the warmer months but, alas, the weather gods have remembered that it's supposed to get cooler in these here parts so off to our local Vietnamese joint we went and it was great. I can explain more about pho and probably will when I have the wherewithal to sneakily snap some shots at the restaurant and write it out. Tonight, it was all about the eating. 

What do you like to eat when it's cold? Does the crock pot come into play? Ours has been in hiding since March, I'm pretty sure, and it's time to break her out again. I'm also loving a hand-held immersion blender we were gifted upon our nuptials {thank you to you-know-who-you-are if you're reading this!} that has been handy in making some soup so far this fall and I have high hopes for that handy appliance {get it?} in the coming months. 

Even though we are super-dee-duper lucky to live here {central California Bay Area} we actually live in an older house and the insulation isn't super great. This translates to a cold house from October to about June. I think it's funny because in four years of Minnesota seasons {most notably winters} I was the warmest indoors that I had ever been in my first 18 years in California since everything there {from what I remember and where I was living, at least} was so totally battened down and well insulated...otherwise the people inside might just die. So the bottom line is that California is great and so is Minnesota but that it's technically warmer indoors during the winter in the latter-mentioned than in the Golden state. And warm soupy things help me out through our colder times of the year. That and that fire-place and hot baths. 

We watched a movie on TV and are going to watch some trashy shows now before bed; what a wild life we lead.
Good weekend to you all!
xoxo, natty ♥


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