Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Hi y'all. I'm not a "two posts in one day" kind of gal but I put up that first one and then had some more thoughts; let's just deal with it ;).
Today is Ash Wednesday in the Catholic Church. I won't talk too much about it. I mentioned Lent yesterday a bit anyway. I was thinking, though, about the various meanings and what our life is like and how we can be better people and blah blah blah.
Part of the symbolism of the ashes worn today is our sin; they represent that we are sinners. I probably should have asked to have them rubbed all over me {think : overindulgence of Girl Scout Samoas and sometimes maybe not picking up after Guinness [when it's dark! when my hands are already full!]}! In that vein, I was thinking about what I'd like to do for Lent.There are three basic ideas when it comes to these 40 days: Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving {literally giving [$] to those less fortunate}. Growing up everyone gave up things like chocolate or soda. I think, though, that as we age, it's encouraged to give up less tangible things and maybe even add more thought and consideration to our days. As for praying and giving, those two are pretty self-explanatory.
In a compromise, here's what I'm thinking about for myself this Lenten journey; it's pretty "fasting" heavy and light on the other two but I'm trying.
  • I'd like to fast from stress, worry and negativity. I think that's a pretty tall order when it comes to self improvement but I also think that it's where I'm being called. I'm pretty darn good at worrying about things that aren't worthy of worry. Growing up my dad would liken me to Telly Monster {click on his name to read know you want to!} from Sesame Street. I think that the latter two qualities {worry & negativity} quite easily stem from the first. Ideally when I notice myself starting down this path, I'll remember today/my desire to make life a bit easier and I'll stop myself. Or at least reason with myself. Note to self : good luck with that.
  • I'd also like to fast from commercialism. Again, I recognize this as a lofty goal; me + Target = TRUE LOVE. But. That's a huge "but" actually; BUT. I'd like to get away from that part of my life. I recently listened to this {btw it's about an hour long can click HERE to listen to just parts of it}:
    which got me thinking. I'm nowhere near eloquent so, please, just take a listen if your curiosity is at all piqued. Concretely {and ideally} this will be a time where I buy nothing new for myself that isn't meant for eating or medicinal purposes. If there's something I need for work, perhaps, that's cool but I would like to abstain from the unnecessary pretty dress purchases and the oh-so-nice mani/pedis. Not to sound righteous...not to be righteous, actually, but if others can do without, so can I.
    ***Paranoid disclaimer***...this is a self-betterment/Lenten kick that I'm going on and I'm not judging anyone or saying anything about anything at all...honestly, I'd probably live like the Kardashians if given the means. But I've been thinking about the things we do and the way we {me, myself & I} live...that's all.
  • Food, however, is something I don't mess with. If I'm hungry, I'm hungry. I've been anemic and Hangry enough over the course of my life to know that edibles are just something I need and since I can have them, I will. Also, the world is a MUCH happier place when I'm not hungry. Plus, it's not like I'm eating Foi Gras every day. Just Tuesdays. 

  • As far as Prayer goes, I'm more of a thinker. And I'd like those thoughts to lean towards the sunny side of the street {refer to bullet #1}.
  • Almsgiving, thanks to where I work, will go to a sister community we have in El Salvador. Since it's work related I'll keep it brief and as anonymous as I get but El Sal is near and dear to our hearts.
If you're still reading, thanks! This is definitely one of my more touchy-feely posts but sometimes I just have those thoughts. Do you "do" Lent? I really don't think it need be a Catholic thing, I actually really like the idea of self-evaluation and thinking about what it is that we've got going on and how to be better. If that makes sense. 
I may or may not put out a few updates between now and Holy Week when this all formally ends. This is fairly internal for me but, for accountability's sake, felt the need to blog it. If you yourself are keeping some Lenten thoughts, peace to you in your journey!
xoxo, natty ♥


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