Thursday, February 16, 2012

Warm Morning.

Last week I tried a new recipe. At around 9 PM on Wednesday night I mixed up up the follow ingredients:

* two chopped up apples. They were old but still good so I decided to get some use out of them.
* 1 cups of steel cut oats.
* 4 cups of water.
* 1/2 cup of milk.
* 1/4 cup of brown sugar.
* 1 tsp of: vanilla and cinnamon.
* 1 pat of butter.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

You might ask : What did you put them into San Jose Señora? And I would gladly answer: into my crockpot I put them!

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Then I turned it to "low" and went to bed! When I woke up at a bit after six, breakfast was hot and warm and very ready for me.
I highly recommend this activity for anyone interested in this sort of thing...feel free to play around with the ingredient add-ons but I'm pretty sure that the oats to liquid ratio needs to stay the same {could be increased but incrementally of course}. The butter is optional, obviously, as are the sugary things. One thing is for sure, though, steel cut oats need to be used...either those or groats but definitely not quick cooking since they'd get really super soggy.

A recipe I saw online actually suggested putting all the ingredients into a heat-resistant glass bowl, putting the bowl into the crockpot and putting water into the crockpot just up until the edge of the glass bowl. This might prevent the crustiness that happens around the edge of the oatmeal but that gooiness didn't bother me.
Have you tried any non-dinner crockpot recipes? There are cake & dessert ones out there too which I wouldn't mind trying. 
Aaaaand by the way. In last week's Marvelous Monday I alluded to a new pork dish. It was made! And in the crockpot too! I put in a 3 pound roast I had rubbed in garlic and olive oil {with salt & pepper} and a bit of water and let it do it's thing all day; delish! My Rival cooker has been getting lots of action lately!
xoxo, natty ♥


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