Monday is drawing to a close and I am having a few thoughts...
Taken from the car. |
1} So I didn't get any pictures because there was hot oil flying around one told this girl that when minced garlic meets minced ginger - THEY TURN GREEN. Both were fresh so there was no fear of spices who have gone bad and I didn't really worry about it but I was kind of...weirded out. I looked it up out out of curiosity and found out that it has something to do with the acids in the ginger mixed with the somethings in the garlic. In the end, our fried rice was delicious and I've learned a new bit of culinary science.
2} We're skipping the last debate. There's Law & Order SVU on TV and I don't think either of us feels up to mentally grappling with the future of our country. Don't judge us by our alterative viewing choices. Never-mind, we gave in.
3} There are two bags of gloriously varietal Halloween candy in our apartment. However, someone keeps eating it {not I!} so I think I'll be squirreling it away somewhere secret. I love a good intrigue.
4} The mercury is rising this week which makes for beautiful leaves, blue skies, and very pleasant weather.
5} Thanksgiving is next month {how'd that happen?} which means that the month after next I get to see family and friends in California ♥.
What's going on in your neck of the woods? Have you ever experienced this bizarre ginger-garlic-green phenomena?
xoxo, natty ♥
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