Monday, February 11, 2013


I didn't get any pictures but my days {Saturday, yesterday, today} have been so exciting because my amaryllis is starting to shoot up! #easilypleased
Monkey Island Closing, 1995ish.
In other Good News.

1} Day Light Savings Time is a mere month away! Longer days here we come!
2} We're finally starting to see the end of our extreme potato collection; the CSA we belong to has been showering us with these guys. 
3} In connection with #2, Mike came up with preparing twice-baked potatoes and they've been so good; thanks sweetie!
4} I'm thinking up a weekly menu that I might like to post; lucky you Reader! More on that soon.
5} It's Lunar New Year. I love any chance for new beginnings and celebrations. I also miss the candies one of my dear old coworkers used to bring for this holiday; I miss you all at that place where I used to work!

What're YOU up to this week Reader? Are you digging yourself out of some snow {Fence & Andrew!}?
xoxo, natty ♥


E. Strand said...

Yes! And it has thrown a wrench into my running! I'm still going, but there is a lot of "trudging"! But it was so beautiful over the weekend. so beautiful!

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