Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sad Mac.

There's an old Sarah Jessica Parker TV show {I'm guessing you can guess correctly as to which one} episode in which her Apple computer suffers a break/melt down {"My Motherboard, My Self" in case you're curious}. Without further indemnifying myself with SATC quotes {at least I'm somewhat owning my fandom} the one thing from that particular episode I'm referencing here is a quote from her boyfriend that in and of itself refers to the pathetic little face older Mac computers used to make when they went kaput. Get it? A sad mac!
Today, I was a sad mac. Or a sad Nat. Whatever I am, it was a bummer of a day for me since I had to say adiós to two of my classes as well as my wonderful homeroom. I'll see the kiddos around school for sure between now and graduation but it's still a bummer-rama; I have great students and a great school and I'm not coming back to them.
But. We have new adventures ahead of us, that keeps me going. That and Indian food. And stomping renditions of the Alma Mater.
Good night folks =)
xoxo, natty ♥
Many thanks to the reader who let me know that the flower I posted last week {check it out HERE} is a Blue Passion Flower {Passiflora Caerulea, to be precise}; 
it sounds so exotic for little 'ole San Jose!


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