Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My try at Pad Thai.

I made Pad Thai for the first time tonight.
Aaaaaaand I might do it again - it was pretty good though I do admit that it was from a packet.

In other news, if I were teaching still, tomorrow would be the first day of school and I would be cleaning up my classroom still; have a fantabulous day everyone at school!

To distract me from thinking about how I'm not teaching, our dog put on a little show for me this afternoon. He can howl but I think it looks and sounds pretty pathetic because he's not very big nor is he a hound; he's a dachshund and meant to hunt badgers not howl at the moon. It also doesn't happen very often, usually when there's an ambulance or firetruck siren going off very near to him. Since we live in a city there are always sirens but not too many trigger his howl reflex and today I got lucky. For your enjoyment, here he is.

It's weird, right? It's kind of goofier if you can see him from the front and appreciate how he throws his head back but I was parked on the couch and couldn't really get a good angle of him. Don't mind the Law & Order on in the background. 

And in even other and much more meaningful and exciting news, a sweet friend and her husband welcomed their new little guy into the world last night; congratulations and much happiness for the three of them!!!!!
xoxo, natty ♥


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