Friday, August 15, 2014

Even the weather's acting the part.

We're in the midst of some unseasonably cool weather in our parts {think high 70s, low humidity}. And I'm sad because today is our official last weekday of maternity leave together. I had planned to take baby to story time at our old library in DC but she apparently had planned to take a serious nap {not one of her usual kitty cat naps} and is still snoozing strong, which, don't get me wrong, is  GREAT thing. It'll be fine since there's a Saturday morning story time at our local library so it's not that big of a bummer to miss out on this one.

I had also planned to be around later in the afternoon because someone was going to come by and pick up some things I'm selling on Craiggy's list but that person flaked out inciting some true IRE in me; why do people do that?!

What I'm getting at via the title in this oh-so-random blog post is that it feels like autumn outside and as much as I enjoy that season {more and more each year}, it portends returning to work.

But we still have the rest of today; here's to Friday!
xoxo, natty ♥


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