Monday, November 11, 2013

Looking for it.

Mikey and I have been in a very busy time of our lives. "Busy", of course, is all relative and we're so keenly aware of how wonderful our lives are. 
You can be confident that this is happening again this year.

Nonetheless, it helps me to search for some positivity...

1. We might get some snowflakes tonight/early tomorrow morning...we don't live in a regularly wintry climate {famous last words} like Minnesota {where we met!} but it's still exciting to get a bit of weather. 

2. Tickets to visit family on the west coast/in the southwest are being purchased as I type these very words...yea for time with not-oft seen loved ones ♥.

3. Two great dinners this past weekend are yielding some solid left overs that will take care of dinner at least through tomorrow; that's pretty awesome for two people working/busy all day.

4. There's a squirmy baby inside of me...kind of a weird sensation still but I am totally loving it.

5. There's also a warm and stinky dog on the couch next to well as a husband down on the other end; these two alone could sustain me for weeks and months.

What's up with you today Reader? Weather heading your way? Think a good thought for the Philippines, be grateful for our veterans, and enjoy what's left of your Monday.

xoxo, natty ♥


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