Thursday, August 25, 2011


Let the wedding craziness begin.
Disclaimer: this might be kind of boring and sound like complaining. I'm not complaining! I do need to get these thoughts out, though, so here I go.
Life took an abrupt turn for me this week; I went back to school {you did know that, right? I may have mentioned it a time or two three practically infinity...}. I got home past seven almost every night this week except for today. When I get home I think about the things I can do at home {wedding and just plain old home-stuff}, I sit down, I realize how tired I am and then it's literally bedtime and I've done none of what I had been thinking about. Then I wake up and leave before seven the next morning and start it over the next day. Teaching, for me, isn't always this crazy/busy. It's the first week, I was busy all last weekend, I'm trying to get ahead since I'll be missing some time next week for the nuptials...that's my reasoning for what my days have been like this week.
I really do know what we were doing when we planned our wedding for the second week of my school year. Honest! The thing is, y'all, that we needed/wanted a three-day weekend. There are so many amazing people that are doing us the pleasure of joining us to celebrate and that extra day gives everyone some wiggle room {and more time to be happy together!}. Memorial Day was too soon, not every one gets Columbus Day {not to mention it's political incorrectness} so Labor Day it is! It's not as though we're snowed under, but I'd like to be able to enjoy the business of back-to-school and the business of the days before our wedding- just not at the same time. It's like for us, though, and such a great life it is and a wonderful and exciting time for us.
Thanks for bearing with the craziness and here's to a bit more before life settles down a bit more {and we're a real-life MARRIED couple ♥. Thus I begin the single digit countdown...nine days until we done go get our selves good and hitched.
xoxo, natty ♥


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