Friday, June 24, 2011


As in a short post, not a girl. 
I'm mired in summer and loving it, even though it's back down to the 70s; am I such a freak that this is "cold" to me?? 
Yesterday I had lunch with friends, dinner with a high school alumnae group and killed an hour {or two} in tar-jhay. I love these days so much because I don't need to worry about being prepared for the next, I can just float about and do what I like. Don't get me wrong, work is a fabulous thing and as I've mentioned before, it always feels good to return, but an eeentsy part of me just can't wait for retirement.
After lunch yesterday we walked around downtown Sunnyvale, where we ate and walked past Willy's {see yesterday's post}. My inner grammar-demon came roaring out {disclaimer: I know that I don't always use perfect grammar here [and in life], I split my verbs, use indicative when I need subjunctive, over-use superlatives and run-ons, blah blah blah...but I can still be picky if I has a hankerin' to!}. This:
needs to be this:
It sure is a good thing that they have me to fix things.
Today I get to do more summer. Tomorrow, even more. Next week, EVEN more. I'm seeing three great friends this weekend which I'm really excited about and we're looking at rental stuff for our big partay coming up. Next weekend we're hoofing it down to Phoenix for the fourth which should be right up my alley: HOT. 

I'm also looking forward to the Obon Festival in two weeks time. I blogged briefly about it last year and you can check out more genuine information here. I realize that I'm a fool for festivals, though not all. A festival needs a specific food-type to be worthy. Those traveling food booths that are the same for all street festivals are whack; these are not to be confused with food trucks, those are wonderful. Back to festivals. The food must shine. Now that I think about it, I'm drawn to cultural festivals. That must be it, the food AND the ethnic diversity just reel me in.
We are LUCKY to have many in our area and the Japanese Obon ranks high on my list. The food I've had there and deemed drool-worthy, in the order it should be consumed, is: Gyoza, beef Teriyaki, Udon, strawberry shortcake (yes, strawberry shortcake!). 
I can't wait. 
If you do go, it's in our beautiful Japantown so try the light rail so as to avoid parking which can be difficult to find. Or, if you're like most everyone and drive {guilty I am}, park in the neighborhood, you'll need to walk a few blocks but it will go towards canceling out all of the calories you'll consume. There's fun dancing to watch, beautiful flowers (& leis) to buy, BINGO, and game booths for kids.
This was longer than intended. Happy weekend y'all!
xoxo, natty ♥


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